Partnerships & Programs » EduCare Foundation

EduCare Foundation

EduCare Logo
Our Mission
To inspire and empower young people to become responsible global citizens, courageous and compassionate leaders, and to live their dreams.


Our Vision
A world where love is the foundation of education and joyful and compassionate learning communities empower youth for success in school and in life.
What We Offer
  • We offer after-school programs that are accessible to all Sylmar Biotech students.
  • Students MUST have an EduCare form on file to participate.
    • Scan the QR code below on the flyer or go to the EduCare office to request a form.
  • The programs we offer are:
    • Tutoring
    • Gaming
    • Music
    • Sports Conditioning
    • Weightroom
    • Take Action Club (TAC)
    • Driver's Ed (*Must be 15 and 1/2 to participate)
Contact Us!
EduCare Sylmar HS Office: Room 131
Phone Number: 818.833.3700