For Students » Anti-Discrimination Rights

Anti-Discrimination Rights

 Publications | WSHRC
All students and community members have the right to be treated fairly and have a safe environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. The District and this school provide equal rights and opportunities to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, sex, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, or immigration status.
What are your rights as a student?
  • Students have the right to equal learning opportunities in their school.
  • Students have the right to privacy.
  • Students have the right to openly discuss and express their gender identity and decide when, with whom, and how much information to share.
  • School staff should address students by the name and pronoun that corresponds to their gender identity. Intentionally and continuously refusing to respect a student's gender identity may constitute discrimination under the district policy and state law.
  • Students must be provided with a safe school environment free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, or intimidation.
  • Students have the right to equitable access to school activities and programs and cannot be excluded, denied benefits, or subjected to discrimination based on their gender identity or expression.
    • This applies to all programs and activities, including cheer class, homecoming, prom, spirit days, celebrations, assemblies, field trips, afterschool activities, and extra-curricular activities.
  • Equipment, supplies, schedules, budgets, coaching travel allowances, facilities, publicity, and support services should be equivalent between male and female teams.
  • Students also cannot be excluded, denied benefits, or subjected to harassment or discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, disability, nationality, race, ethnicity, immigration status, religion, or association.
  • Pregnant and parenting students have the same right as any other student to continue in their regular school and in any program for which they qualify.
  • Students have the right to file a complaint if they feel discriminated against, harassed, or bullied. They also have the right to be protected against retaliation if they file a discrimination complaint.
What is harassment?
Harassment is when someone is treated in a way that makes them feel unwelcome because of who they are. This includes offensive behavior that is severe or happens often, and that interferes with a person's ability to do their job or take part in activities provided by the District. Harassment can take many forms, like hurtful words, written or graphic statements, or other conduct that may be threatening, harmful, or humiliating. The District does not tolerate harassment based on any protected category, and those who do harass others may face disciplinary action.
What is discrimination?
Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work, or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District.
Students, please report any of the following behaviors to any school staff if you witness or experience them:
  • Unwanted hugs, kisses, grabbing or touching
  • Someone invading personal space (standing too close or stopping someone from moving)
  • Teasing or rumors and disrespectful jokes about others or making comments about other’s bodies
  • Treating someone differently because of their:
    • gender/sex or how they identify
    • race/ethnicity
    • disability
    • sexual orientation
    • religion
    • age
    • immigration status.
  • Hurtful messages (notes, graffiti, texts, cyber)
  • Someone showing or sending inappropriate or unkind pictures, posters, cartoons, or drawings that make others feel uncomfortable
  • Someone making mean or rude body movements or gestures that embarrass or hurt people’s feelings
For more information on your rights, check out these resources:
If you need to file a complaint about bullying, harassment, or discrimination, please contact our Title IX/Bullying Complaint Managers, shown below.
You can also contact:
Office of Student Civil Rights
333 S. Beaudry Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone:  (213) 241-7682
Fax: (213) 241-3312
Title 9
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