For Students » College & Career Opportunities

College & Career Opportunities

SBHA Offers Unique Summer Programs


Summer 2018 offers you exciting opportunities to increase your industry experience and college awareness!

UCLA & Allied Health Internship:  One week long residency at UCLA where you will job shadow, attend career development workships, and network with peers.  No cost to student.

California Lutheran University STEM Academy:  Three week long residency at Cal Luteran where you will explore carrer paths in the sciences, attend seminars and excursions, and network with peers.  No cost to student. 

LA Mission College Professional Certificate Programs:  8 week long programs on the LA Mission College campus earning two certificates:

          1.  Health Occupations Credential


2.  Certified Nurse Assistant Certificate 

Hire LA's Youth  Mayor Garcetti's initiative to increase workforce experience for the youth of Los Angeles.


*See Ms. Castro in Rm 79B for more information and application for all opportuities