Sylmar Biotech Health & Engineering Magnet Home

Fostering Innovation and Imagination


  • A California Distinguished School
  • Linked Learning Gold Certification
  • AP Silver Honor Roll
  • U.S. Best Schools Ranking

About Us

Sylmar Biotech Health & Engineering Magnet (SBHEM) offers students interested in engineering and medical fields the knowledge and experience necessary to prepare them for those fields. Our goal is to prepare students for their future in college and careers through project-based, hands-on learning. 

News & Announcements

SES Flyer

School Experience Survey/ Encuesta De La Experiencia Escolar

Make your voice heard! 📢 Participate in the LAUSD School Experience Survey today to help us improve our school. As a token of appreciation, you will have the opportunity to enter a raffle for a $50 Amazon gift card upon completing the survey. To enter, your student must take a screenshot of the completed survey and show it to Ms. Gonzalez. Your feedback is invaluable to us! Click here to participate:

¡Su opinión es importante! 📢 Le invitamos a participar en la Encuesta de Experiencia Escolar de LAUSD para ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra escuela. Como muestra de agradecimiento, tendrá la oportunidad de participar en un sorteo para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de Amazon de $50 al completar la encuesta. Para ingresar al sorteo, su estudiante debe tomar una captura de pantalla de la encuesta completada y mostrársela a la Sra. González. ¡Valoramos mucho su participación! Haga clic aquí para participar:
Donation Drive Flyer

SBHEM Fire Relief Donation Drive

Please help us support the first responders and those affected by the fires! See the flyer for more information about what to donate.
Register to Vote Flyer

Register to Vote!!

If you are 18 or older, please register to vote. If you are 16 or 17, you can preregister to vote. Your vote is your voice. Make it count!


Grad 2024

Principal's Message

Dear Students, Parents, Guardians and Community Members,
The staff at Sylmar Biotech Health & Engineering Magnet (formerly Sylmar Biotech Health Academy) is honored to serve the Sylmar area and the surrounding communities. We are committed to providing students with a quality education and an avenue to careers that allow for a high quality of life. Our goal is to make every student feel important and supported, so they gain the confidence to assert themselves as scholars, ready and able to accept any challenges.
Grad Students

Mission Statement

Sylmar Biotech Health Academy will graduate students who can analyze and apply STEM knowledge, ethically use technology, professionally collaborate to solve problems, use communication skills to inform and advocate for our people, and think critically about the health and welfare of our community.

At A Glance

  • 100% Graduation Rate
  • 16:1 Student to Teacher Ratio
  • 72% Prepared College/Career Indicator